From a live performance night on Zoom, “The Moving Company and Friends: Deep Winter Healing” organized by Laura Bernstein, Tamar Ettun, and Rebecca Pristoop, co-presented with ESSEX FLOWERS and COLLECTIVE_VIEW.
Performances by Damali Abrams, Aika Akhmetova, Jana Benitez, Zehra Khan, Le’Andra LeSeur, Lydia McCarthy, Annabel Paran and David B. Smith.
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At the beginning of the pandemic with quarantine in effect in Chicago, online communication programs and culture became more common as a way to gather community remotely. I was invited to participate in a live performance night broadcast on Zoom, focused on 'Deep Winter Healing'.
I painted on myself in an attempt to integrate within a 'nest' of paintings on bedsheets. I filmed the performance in my bedroom, from my bed nest. As for audio, I figured nothing could be more healing that listening to Enya, right?
The Zoom malfunctions and my voice isn't picked up by the microphone, the Enya volume goes in and out, and an advert blasts at the end. I stare into the shared Zoom screen to see myself.
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